If you are a small or mid-sized company and you need to find new suppliers in Asia, we are the company for you.

We act as an intermediary between the factories in Asia and the clients in Europe. Thus, you can buy directly in the factories, with no need to contact wholesalers or to have your staff in Asia to follow up the processes of purchases, certifications, logistics and customs operations.

Thanks to our highly qualified staff and our offices both in Asia and Europe, we buy directly for you, dealing with all the processes, and we deliver products right to your place, without any problem or additional charge.

To get the best products at the best prices and to satisfy all your requests, we invented an original and innovative tool. We created a platform, a network made of free lances all over Asia who can help us research for factories and products.

One-Stop Trading

Our sourcing- and trading model is aimed at small- and medium-sized companies, who occasionally need to buy products from Asia, but prefer to deal with a trusted partner. After supplying us with the specifications of your product, we will organize the whole sourcing process for you and offer you a package for delivery right to your front door.

Through our proven process for the procurement and supplier selection, we ensure you get the right goods at the right time. If you are interested in benefiting from our favorable purchasing prices and individual product design, just let us know.

We create a non-binding and free feasibility study for your product. This includes approximate costs, quality, manufacturing processes and market overview. In detail, sourcing jobs follow this pattern: after a short consultation with our customers, we refer them directly to our suppliers and let them produce cost-samples. Once the samples’ quality is approved, the job is awarded to the cheapest supplier. After completion of the products and an inspection by us or a third party, we will send you the goods as desired by air freight or sea freight. Upon request, we also undertake customs clearance and deliver your goods to a destination of your choice.

Your advantages are:

  • reduced inventory cost by lower minimum order quantities
  • no need to deal with customs or logistics
  • we negotiate with the producer on your behalf
  • we do product development and adaption for you
  • typically 30% cheaper than buying in your home market
  • fully customized product

Sourcing Process

Sourcing Process